SlickSilly.Com Launches!
This is some exciting news about the children's interactive DVD. The official website has been launched and it looks amazing! I spoke recently with Producer/Director Nic Sulsky who has informed me that there are some final things being done with DVD before it will be officially released.
Nic tells me that the show is going to be shopped around in the next three weeks or so. It seems that the general word coming from most distribution companies is that getting a show with puppets created is not so easy. Many people have the opinion that puppets are not popular. I would need to see the statistic before I ever believed that.
I have a lot of faith in the potential of this show. It is something special.

This leads me to say a few words about the director/producer of the show Nic Sulsky. It really isn't until a performer has the opportunity to work with someone so gifted and down to Earth that they truly appreciate the role of a director. Nic was nothing short of awesome. I have worked with some great directors in my time, but Nic's ability to get across what he wanted, keep track of the production, deal with any problem that came up, and assemble one of the best teams of talent I have ever worked with is beyond impressive.
Currently Nic has started a new media company called Media Cravin'. If you have a television or media project that you want done with the most amazing value possible, get in touch with Nic.
I am currently meeting with Nic to develop a few ideas that I have. I will post any information on those projects as they develop.