I know this is a bit late, since it was completed the second last week of August, but better late than never. It was done over two days, with just myself and super star
Tom Stewart of
Puppeteers Unite! fame. That's right. Two guys, two days and a little bit of Quiznos subs, but we did it.

I honestly can't say enough about Tom. He was amazing during the whole time. Lots of fun and always very clam, he helped to keep me focused on what needed to be done.

His camera, his help organizing everything. He did the majority of the filming (as well as being the Director of Photography), he did all of the additional puppeteering as well.

The kids were also great and I was very impressed with how honest they all were. It was definately a shoot to remember.
I am now gearing up to finish one more puppet and organize another two day shoot for our next show Ape: The Debt Collector. It should be a blast. The talented
Philip Hatter has created two of the puppets for the new shoot. You can see them
Stay tuned.