Project Experiment

The company offers professional quality puppet patterns with easy to follow instructions. I liked the look of the puppets and I thought it would be a good idea to buy a pattern or two and try them out.
But how should I use them? I enjoy building my own puppets and creating my own paterns, so I knew that I wouldn't be using the patterns to make puppets to sell. I was struck with an idea. Make Star Wars characters for my own enjoyment.
I have recently received a few Star Wars gifts (video games and DVDs) and I became preoccupied with the Star Wars universe. It seemed only natural for me to try to use these patterns to make some of my favourtie Star Wars characters.

Here is my first attemt. Darth Maul. I used the Rotondo pattern and made a few interior design changes. I lined the inside with foam and fabric to create a nicely fitted glove for the hand. The puppet has amazing control and comfort.

I simply added plastic dome eyes, used electrical tape for the pupils. I used acrylic paint for the painted details and ployester fleece for the costume. Other than that, I just followed the instructions.

"May the Force Be With You".