When it was time for me to build a couple of puppets for a client/buddy of mine (Billy), I was impressed a cool collaborative method we've been using. What we did was, I built the basic body designs (using the colours we had agreed on). These puppets are being built using the ever amazing
Project Puppet patterns.

After, Billy used his excellent illustration skils to draw over top of the photos to show what he wanted. These were starting points for me to build from. My plan was to experiment with the designs to see what I came up with.

I roughed details and features to see how close to his designs I could get. Although the puppets are not done yet (purple guy doesn't even have ears, teeth are too big some postioning is off, etc.), we are very close. There will be more back and forth emails until we are both happy with the look of the puppets.
Billy felt the outfit in his design and in the first mock up I did was a bit busy (I have to agree; although I liked having a number on the jersey of the purple guy). I will soon send him a new picture of the changes I have made and I think he will like how they look now.
At any rate, it is a great way to collaborate and design. I recommend trying it sometime.
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